Foods Highest in Vitamin C

When it comes to vitamin C champions beyond oranges, the vegetarian world offers a surprising bounty! Here are some contenders who pack a bigger punch than that juicy citrus:

Mango good source of folate several B vitamins vitamins A C K E Strawberries low sugar high in fiber
Image credit:, Mango, Papaya & Strawberries Nutrition Facts

Bell Pepper Powerhouses:

  • Red, Yellow, and Orange Bells: These vibrant beauties reign supreme, with a single large bell pepper (around 150g) surpassing an orange in vitamin C content. Red bells even offer about 169% of your daily value (DV), while yellow and orange ones provide around 132% and 127% respectively.

Kiwi Kicks:

  • Fuzzy Friends: Don’t underestimate these furry green fruits! One medium kiwi boasts a whopping 148% of your DV for vitamin C, making them a delightful and potent source. Enjoy them sliced, blended into smoothies, or as a refreshing midday snack.

Guava Guzzle:

  • Tropical Treasure: This exotic fruit packs a tropical punch of vitamin C. A single guava (around 100g) delivers a massive 228% of your DV, making it a true champion. Enjoy it fresh, in juices, or even jams and chutneys.

Pineapple Paradise:

  • Sun-Kissed Sweetness: Don’t let the sweetness fool you, one cup of chopped pineapple provides a generous 88% of your DV for vitamin C. Toss it into salads, fruit salads, or enjoy it solo for a tropical treat with a health boost.

Broccoli Bonanza:

  • Cruciferous Crunch: This humble vegetable packs surprising vitamin C content. One cup of cooked broccoli offers around 90% of your DV, making it a delicious and versatile side dish or veggie main course.

Beyond the Big Leagues:

  • Papaya: One cup of cubed papaya provides around 61mg of vitamin C, or about 68% of your DV.
  • Mango: Don’t miss out on mango’s vibrant flavor and vitamin C kick. One cup of mango chunks offers around 60mg of vitamin C, or about 67% of your DV.
  • Strawberries: These juicy berries may not top the charts, but one cup still offers around 89mg of vitamin C, or about 99% of your DV.


  • This list is not exhaustive, and vitamin C content can vary depending on factors like variety, ripeness, and preparation methods.
  • Combining several vitamin C-rich foods throughout your day ensures optimal intake.
  • Consult your doctor for personalized recommendations if you have any health concerns or require specific dietary guidelines.

So, ditch the orange juice rut and embrace the vibrant world of vitamin C-rich vegetarian foods! From sweet delights to savory surprises, they offer delicious ways to nourish your body and keep your immune system happy. Bon appétit!